"Probably the best massage device ever created and with ways of using that just keeps giving!" Amanda Shayle

Martin was developing this incredible tool at the same time as I was creating the Thrive Needle way back in 2013.

As a lover of innovation, I purchased one from him at the Rothenberg TCM Kongress and all these years later Heskier's Onetool has become a key element in all my treatments.

If you want to help your hands and effortlessly deliver effective fascia release on body - and face

This is absolutely for you.

We will compare to Gua Sha - but the ergonomics of the Heskier is the game changer!

I can say that because its true

It looks big doesn't it? The secret is the curves, edges and tips.

Plus the special surface and way you use it creates hydration of the tissue, flushing away old fluid for healthier cellular environment.

Want to know more? I created my own special course for you.

This course has been developed to help proud owners of a Heskier Tool understand how to hold and use this for helping a patient and also on themselves.

A great resource to understand how this method differs from traditional Chinese Gua Sha and teaches you how to apply both styles of treatment.
Some of the content has been extracted from our Signature Course, interviews with Martin and New Content filmed with love in Amanda's training sessions.

You do not need to be a therapist or acupuncturist to take this course. We want everyone to have one so you can treat yourselves!

You can purchase a Heskier's Tool from our shop via this link:


For Practitioners

Martin offers training in the USA

Martin Heskier's website:


Three wonderful colours

Plus we also offer a signed Special Edition in Orange

Body Techniques for Pain and Tension Release

Facial Rejuvenation and Tension release

Self Treatment

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