So excited to be starting this new journey with my amazing colleagues
A vision of what we can do together to support other women, ourselves and make a real change.
Amanda Introduces this project
An in a nutshell of my vision.
Why This Project Is So Important
The silence is ending
The term Menopause really only came into existence in the 50s and, for most part, women have always just suffered these changes in silence - irrespective of any label given or understanding about what was happening.
Today the conversation has begun and awareness of health implications and ultimately the economic effect is now out in the open. This, at a time, where woman play essential roles within work and home environments
Menopause Coaching - make a difference to women's lives
When your clients feel heard and supported, their nervous system relaxes.
The reason so many people find this difficult to do alone is because change can be scary and support is in short supply.
Your clients will have their own changes that they are going through and in conversation with you, those changes will start to become a lot of clearer.
I am excited to be launching this project because as a multi-disciplinary team of professional therapists we can make a difference to so many women through their personal transition journeys.
Please join me and let our important work begin!
Menoregen is innovation in all facets of women's health
A programme of education, collaboration and clinical & marketing support
Starting with becoming a Menopause Coach or Mentor
- This club will open up a whole new world of womens' health
- More modules to be added as we explore, learn and grow our businesses to help women and girls through their female transitions and challenges.
- Amanda Shayle will be researching and building an archive of content which will be delivered live or uploaded into the Curriculum below. This will an ongoing process.
- You will be learning mentorship and treatment strategies and also how to market yourself within the group and for yourself.
- Every 10 days there will be a tutorial/clinical/troubleshooting help meeting via zoom
- Verbal discussion via the Clubhouse App going live soon.
- Clinical sessions - by arrangement to support acupuncture and herbal strategies.
- Group research and audit opportunities
- Client referrals and marketing collaborations
Who Can Join This Project?
To get things started, this project is open to all students who have trained with Acuregen.
We do want this to be a national team but also welcome those who wish to join from outside the UK. Our online activity will attract the attention of not just a UK audience.
We hope to be able to connect practitioners with women - no matter where they are located.
We want to offer a mixed-discipline team so please contact Amanda Shayle by email: [email protected] if you are interested but do not offer acupuncture.
You can get involved by signing up to our new innovative subscription which will give you access to EVERTYHING as founders of this project and the resources.
Please note that:
Some clinical aspects will involve an extra charge due to the nature of the training and no prior skill in the area concerned. Pulse diagnosis or acupuncture points beyond our Certificate Programme are examples.
Ts & Cs
Your subscription price is guaranteed for founder members and the price may change once the target has be been achieved. The new price will then apply for new members after that point.
We know you are going to love this project and we hope to be referring patients to you moving forward as our collaborations grow. Please trust in our process.
You can unsubscribe at any time but will lose access to this project and if you join again it will be at the price in place at that time.
Shhh Product training & collaborations
We will cover the best sellers first. This will include cosmetics, topical sprays and supplements for all things menopause.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
In collaboration with Phoenix Medical. You will learn individual herbs and how to prescribe. Supplements
Certificate staged Milestones
Menopause concerns support - with diagnosis
Beauty support
Womens Health Support - the full shabang
Women's health from. beginning to end.
Understanding pathology and differential diagnosis
acupuncture protocols
Staged milestone certificates
Infertility support
Gynaecology extended and support protocols
Differential diagnosis
Herbal medicine support
Milestone certificate
Latest Mastermind-Level Marketing & Sales Strategies
Step by step for marketing as a team and for use as individual business building
Roll out of collaborative activities
Cross referral of patients
Women's Health Coaching and clinical opportunities Plus Clinical Support discussions
Food As Medicine
Strategies for use to advise patients for home use
Application of TCM principles
Nutrition collaborations
Pulse Diagnosis
Understanding and use for differential diagnosis
Staged Milestone certificates
Indepth Tongue Diagnosis
With staged certificates
Example Curriculum
- An Introduction to Coaching Fundamentals (39:18)
- Menopause - Western Prospective Lesson 1 (38:52)
- HOT FLUSHES and relationship with hormone changes (34:05)
- A look at menopause symptoms
- About Oestrogen Dominence
- Stress & Menopause
- Fitness & Menopause
- Nutrition & Menopause
- Key Supplements to Support Change
- Key Foods to Eat and to Avoid to support change
- How Menopause affect women physically
- Histamine Imbalance
- Therapeutic Pathways as options
- All about HRT
- Lifestyle changes for a healthier menopause
- Coping Strategies
- Mindset and Moving forward
- How to support Clients
- Wider Perception of Menopause
- Menopause Coach - Professional Aspects
- Integrative health aspects
- Integrating Shhh Products
- Consultation process and compliance
- Tips on interaction with client
- Working with Shhh in a retail setting
- The business - Building your women's health Clinic
- References and Further Reading
- The Importance of this project (6:25)
- About becoming a menopause coach or mentor (18:52)
- Why Learn Marketing?
- Why we collaborating with Shhh Menopause Wellness
- Traditional Chinese Medicine's Role in Supporting Menopause
- Why Learn Chinese Herbal Medicine, Pulse & Tongue Diagnosis?
- Why Learn Gyneacology?
- Compliance - the do's and dont's
- An overview of why Shhh Menopause support range was launched (10:09)
- About Shhh Relieve & Ease Magnesium Spray (10:13)
- About Shhh Hemp Oil Cream (6:03)
- About Shhh Sleep Sound Magnesium H2O Spray (5:10)
- About Shhh Allay Anxiety Magnesium Mist (8:03)